Menu, ContextMenu, Show, %A_GuiX%, %A_GuiY%ĬontrolGet, AhkActionList, List,SysListView321, GetActionListĬode: #NoEnv Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. LV_Add("", CmdIDCol, DescriptionCol, CustomIDCol) MsgBox, Enable "Show action IDs" (right click on the Action list) Menu, ContextMenu, Add, Auto-size columns, ContextAutoSizeĬontrolGet, ActionList, List, SysListView321, ActionsĬontrolGet, ColCount, List, Count Col, SysListView321, Actions Menu, ContextMenu, Add, Copy to clipboard, ContextCopyToClipB

Menu, ContextMenu, Add, Get Action list, ContextGetList Questions concerning the origin of the language, its relationship to other languages, and theoretical discussion of programming as it relates to AHK.Gui, Add, ListView, r20 w700 h600, Cmd ID|Description||Custom ID * Launch Window Spy from a script's tray-icon menu (right click) or the Start Menu. **DOES NOT WORK FOR WEB PAGES! USE (#browserautomation)** **How can I find the attributes of a window, such as its title, class, text, or mouse coordinates?** **How can I generate professional looking documentation for my scripts?** * () *For AHK Basic there is also the AutoHotkey ScriptWriter that comes with the AHK Basic installer*

**Can I create AHK by recording my actions?** **Are there any auto-completion tools for AHK?** **Are there any () editors to create AHK GUIs by drag-and-drop?** * () has some old(er) syntax highlighting files in the Extras\Syntax folder * () **AutoHotkey basic only**Įditors tailored for AutoHotkey or Made in AutoHotkey: **What is the best () to use for editing AutoHotkey Scripts?** These may be written in AHK or by third parties. Questions about the tools that make scripting easier. **Why does my script run fine in XP but not in Vista or Windows 7?** **Can't edit your script because it won't start (error) or unable to find your script?** **I just found AutoHotkey, looks great, but where do I start?** Questions on how best to learn AHK and common problems with your first script. (#autohotkey_l-current-autohotkey-version) If you have suggestions or would like to contribute, discuss it here: (). It is a community effort to supplement the official FAQ page. This page is meant to list and categorize important forum threads, which answer the most frequently asked questions concerning AutoHotkey. It hopefully serves a purpose until the official faq can be edited in the new documentation setup. **Note:** this page comes from the AutoHotkey Wiki which has been removed. AutoHotkey Archives Home Table of Contents Community